“Anna Hedvig Bühl” or “The Last Prayer” documentary movie, dedicated to the anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, is on the internet. The film has been shot by “Sharm Pictures” and “Yan Team Production” at the request of the State Commission on Coordination of Events for the Commemoration of 100th Anniversary of Armenian Genocide. “Sharm Pictures” informed “Armenpress” that the movie reveals the story of an Estonian missioner Anna Hedvig Bühl, who first visited Western Armenia, Marash, Cilicia in 1909 and since then she became the loyal friend of Armenians, dedicating the rest of her life to the orphans and widows, who survived the genocide. She continued her commitment in Syria, engaging in essential problems of banished Armenians in Aleppo and becoming the mother of thousands of orphans and the sister of widows.
The movie, which has duration of 26 minutes, is a true story, based on the content of letters written by or addressed to Bühl. It also contains historical references to the dooms of Armenians, living from 1909 to the 1980s. The film reveals the historical truth of the Armenian genocide, as well as the life of Armenians living in Aleppo after 1915. Mother Bühl spent the last years of her life in a German nursing home for elderly people. After 90 years of life the aged woman laid in her deathbed and instead of the 6 languages, which she had perfect command of, she prayed in Armenian. My heart is Armenian”, Mother Bühl used to say. And that heart was always with the people, who were warmed and saved by her, while her memory will stay alive in many generations of Armenians. Script was authored by Sona Aleksanian, the director is Vahe Yan, camera operator Robert Kharazyan and producer Karen Ghazaryan.