Երկուշաբթի, 10. 02. 2025


State Department Welcomes Royce-Engel Karabakh Peace Initiatives

Amid an Escalation of Azerbaijani Aggression, House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Calls for Concrete Action by the Obama Administration

The State Department has officially welcomed proposals by U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ed Royce (R-CA), Ranking Democrat Eliot Engel (D-NY) and more than 80 of their House colleagues to check Azerbaijan’s escalating aggression

The Department’s support for the Royce-Engel peace proposals comes during a year that has already seen 40 Armenians killed by the Azerbaijani military — 4 just last week. On Tuesday, Azerbaijani Minister of Defense, Zakir Hasanov, publicly pledged renewed anti-Armenian aggression, stating “we are going to inflict even more devastating attacks.”

In the November 12th State Department response to the Royce-Engel letter as the assistant Secretary for Legislative Affairs Julia Frifield explained: “The United States supports proposals to withdraw snipers, expand OSCE’s role via an OSCE investigation mechanism and deploy sensors along the line of contact and the Armenia-Azerbaijan international border. […] Without a mechanism to verify ceasefire allegations, or sensors to pinpoint the location of gunfire, it is difficult for the Co-chairs to make specific accusations against one side’s use of force.”

Armenia and the Nagorno Karabakh Republic have agreed to all three provisions advanced in the Royce-Engel letter. The Obama Administration and the OSCE also support these initiatives. Only Azerbaijan opposes their implementation.

At the December 9 Capitol Hill celebration of Karabakh freedom last week, Chairman Royce condemned Azerbaijan’s attacks and urged concrete international action to ramp down regional violence.

“Why are the snipers not pulled back? […] Why have we not deployed those special [gun fire] direction finders?” asked Chairman Royce, citing reports of unprecedented Azerbaijani tank fired shelling and high-powered rifle fire, which claimed the life of 24-year-old Garik Gurgen Avanesyan earlier that day.

Chairman Royce then announced a special Congressional briefing with U.S. Ambassador James Warlick – the State Department official responsible for the Nagorno Karabakh peace talks – to get concrete answers to his concerns.

Chairman Royce concluded his remarks, noting “I retain hope that one day the people of Nagorno Karabakh will be able to live in peace, enjoying security and a flourishing trade with its neighbors in the region, and I give thanks to those of you here who are committed to that peace and who are committed to stay engaged to see that that happens.”






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