Կիրակի, 09. 02. 2025


Vartan Oskanian: “Call on American Armenians: do not meet and give legitimacy to Nikol Pashinyan”

On his Facebook page, Oskanyan addressed his compatriots: «Dear representatives of the Armenian community and organizations in America, I am writing to you in connection with the invitation to meet with Nikol Pashinyan at the Armenian Embassy on February 3. This meeting is not just a diplomatic ceremony, it is a conscious attempt by the leader to save his damaged reputation, which needs your audience.

Pashinyan is a failed leader, under whom the Armenian people are going through the most catastrophic period in their modern history. Armenia has suffered heavy territorial losses, a military defeat, and has been subjected to national humiliation. The complete collapse of Artsakh, the deportation of 150,000 Armenians and the death of thousands of young soldiers are the direct consequences of his reckless, incompetent and short-sighted policies. Pashinyan is the main and only obstacle to putting the right of the people of Artsakh to return on the international agenda, despite the clear willingness of the international community to consider and support this fundamental right.

Today, Armenian prisoners remain in Azerbaijani captivity, and part of Armenia’s sovereign territories are occupied. More concessions are expected ahead. Pashinyan is responsible for all this. The actions of his government have undermined Armenia’s security, dignity and position in the world. The continuation of his rule poses a direct threat to the survival of the Armenian nation.

The Armenian people have already made their decision regarding Pashinyan. According to the latest polls, only 10 percent of Armenians support him. A leader with such low support, who rules not with legitimacy and competence, but with fear and disinformation, has no right to speak on behalf of the Armenian people. His presence at the Armenian Embassy in Washington is an affront to the diaspora, which has remained steadfast in its commitment to the survival and dignity of the Armenian nation.

Pashinyan’s rule is based not on democratic legitimacy but on systemic corruption and institutional decay. Armenia’s once-promising democracy has degenerated into one-man rule, where a captured judiciary, tamed press, and weakened civil society serve only to blur his government’s accountability. On the eve of his departure for Washington, Pashinyan launched a criminal prosecution of an Armenian simply for publishing a video of a group of Azerbaijanis being humiliated in Yerevan’s Republic Square, which attracted public and official attention. His government has created a culture of corruption, funneling public funds into the pockets of loyalists and driving citizens into disillusionment and poverty. At the same time, political polarization and mistrust have divided Armenian society, making consolidation and joint action virtually impossible.

These are not the qualities of a leader who works for his people, but of an opportunist who maintains power at any cost. Perhaps the most shameful act of Pashinyan as Prime Minister is his recent statements on the Armenian Genocide. For an Armenian leader to distort or belittle the greatest tragedy in our history is nothing short of betrayal. This is an astonishing thing that should concern every Armenian, especially in the Diaspora. If he is ready to rewrite history to suit his political interests, then what else is he not ready for? If you decide to attend this meeting, clearly imagine who is sitting in front of you. This is the man who led Armenia to destruction, who surrendered Armenian lands, who abandoned his people, and who lost the trust of the majority of Armenians. Do not be fooled. Challenge him. Demand answers. Hold him accountable. This is not just a political moment; it is a test of conscience. To stand up to Pashinyan means to stand on the side of Armenia’s dignity, security, and future.”

It should be noted that Pashinyan and his wife have already flown to Washington on Saturday. He will take part in the 5th annual International Religious Freedom Summit, as well as the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington. Pashinyan will deliver a speech at the summit. «A meeting with the US President is not planned. Now, there is no such item on our program, but this is a very important visit. We consulted with our colleagues and concluded that we need to go and take part,» the Prime Minister said. He noted that invitations to take part in other events have also been received.




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