Երեքշաբթի, 16. 07. 2024


Where is the Armenian Church?



Catholic and Orthodox Patriarchs of the East voiced absolute solidarity with the Christians of Iraq and called for the protection of minorities and the combat of terrorist organizations. Orient patriarchs’ fresh stands came in a press conference at the conclusion of their visit to Erbil last week, whereby they pronounced utter spiritual, moral, humanitarian and financial support to the Christians who were displaced from their land.

Don’t think of imagination … cling to your roots that dare back 2000 years … “we are beside you” Maronite Patriarchs cardinal Bechara Boutros Rahi said in a press Conference.

Cardinal Rahi also outlined the three dimensions or the Patriarchs’ visit to Erbil, including the international community to shoulder its responsibilities in this regard. “It is not possible that a terrorist organization, such as ISIS, dominates over safe people and seize their properties while the international community to protect minorities and combat all terrorist organizations.

For his part, Melkite Patriarch of the Antioch and all the East and Alexandria Gregory III Laham, said that they shall work for the dignity of every human being, urging all Arabs to build a better world in region, based on love and coexistence.

Patriarch of the Chaldeans in Iraq and the world, Imad Raphel Louis Sako, hoped that the current ordeal would not last long; wishing that all those who were displaced would be soon repatriated to their homes and lands. Patriarch Sako appealed to the UN and the Security Council, to assume their duties in this regard.

Syriac Catholic Patriarch of the Antioch Ignatius Joseph  III Jonnah said that “The world cannot accept that a human group be exterminated no matter to which race or religion it belongs.

Syriac Orthodox Church Patriarch, Ignatius Ephrem called on the UN secretary general Ban ki Moon to pay a visit to Iraq to see for himself  the current events taking place there. He also implored Pope Francis to play a bigger role in this regard.

Now the question is; where were the Armenian clergyman in this super moral visit? Why not a single one or a representative was included himself in the delegation? No Armenian community is involved in this human misery?  What about the displaced Armenian community of Mousel and other areas of Iraq? What about the Armenian refugees in Erbil? Who shall be their shepherd in these dark days? Who shall take care of them at least by showing some moral support? Isn’t it frustrating for them to see the highest ranking clergymen of the other Christian communities so much involved and caring while not a single Armenian priest is present in such a humane and Christian spirit act and solidarity?

This is a sincere call to all those concerned to show more humanity and much of responsibility to save what’s left of the souls and the dignity of our fellow Armenian brothers in Iraq.






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