Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan paid a surprise visit to the Public Radio of Armenia on the Radio Day.
In a live video on Facebook the PM called his visit symbolic, as a “return to the Public Radio”. “First of all, let me congratulate the radio staff, radio listeners on this day and wish them success. I hope the radio will maintain its positions in this new media situation. When I was an MP, I was one of the Public Radio’s active listeners and specifically listened to the reports of the Radio’s golden fund, and I hope that the best traditions will continue, and the Public Radio will become a media outlet in accordance with the new conditions of our public, political life. Today I attended the renovation ceremony of one of the doors of the building, and what I didn’t manage to do during the previous entry to the building [on April 14, 2018, during the “velvet revolution days” Pashinyan and his supporters entered the building of the Public Radio], today I made remarks in live broadcast”, he said.
Pashinyan toured the building and remembered his previous visit to the building. “I once again congratulate you on this day and I am very happy that I visited here in such conditions. At that time, I apologized several times, but today as well I again apologize to all members of the radio staff for causing any concern to them during that day. I hope we all accept that it was a civil act which justified itself in short-run, and I hope it will justify itself also in the long-run”, he said.
May 7 is the International Radio Day.